Deppy Vasileiadis Foundation is collaborating with the animal welfare organization Save a Greek Stray for the implementation of a program of sterilization, vaccination and electronic marking of 160 stray animals from the industrial area of Ritsona.

Volunteer veterinarians and members of the Organizations participating in the program, gave their best work and, most importantly, their love, to protect the health and well-being of stray dogs.
In Greece the population of stray animals remains very high. Stray animals roam the streets and are malnourished, suffering from a variety of diseases due to lack of veterinary prevention and care, and in many cases are victims of abuse, injury or even death from causes such as car accidents, shootings, and nests. Homeless, stray pets, mate and give birth repeatedly, perpetuating the vicious circle of stray animals, while due to adverse living conditions, they have an average life expectancy of only 2 years.
With a more optimistic view for the future, for the health, dignity, and well-being of animals, Deppy Vasileiadis Foundation, implements, in collaboration with the organization Save a Greek Stray, a program of sterilization, vaccination and electronic marking of 160 stray animals from its industrial area of Ritsona, lasting 10 months.
The Foundation, as a member of V Group, has a special interest in the wider area of Ritsona, as the Group maintains waste management facilities in the area and has as its primary concern to offer to the society in which it operates. In this regard, the financial support of a program that ensures favorable living conditions for stray animals of the area that are daily exposed to danger, highlights the sense of responsibility and the need to contribute to the local community.

Sterilizing animals is an operation that gives them the well-being and respect they deserve.
For Deppy Vasileiadis Foundation, whose founding goals include the protection and welfare of animals, working with an organization such as Save a Greek Stray, that fights for animal rights, rescues, sterilizes and hosts a large number of stray animals in its shelter, is a guarantee of the success of the program.

Sterilizing a stray animal shields its health and increases its life expectancy.
«We are very happy for the financial support to the stray animal sterilization program implemented in collaboration with the organization Save a Greek Stray. The aim of the Foundation is to defend the rights of animals and to improve their living. Every puppy that will not be born on the street and its life will not be endangered, counts for us! We thank the partners and volunteers of the program, as together we secured a better future for our animal friends.»
Argyri Dimitrakopoulou, Project Coordinator of the Deppy Vasileiadis Foundation.